Computer Terms Part-1

Kernel -
A "kernel" is the main module of an operating system. Now, this one little file isn't the whole OS by any stretch, but it is the heart of it. A kernel is the first part of the operating
system to load and it stays in your computer's memory throughout your session.
It generally controls all the important operating system stuff like disk access, memory management, etc.
Megabyte (MB) -
A unit of approximately one million bytes (1,024 KB). This is the most common measure of file size.
Operating System - An operating system (OS) is the system in your computer that runs all your stuff. For most of us, Windows is our operating system. If you're using a MAC, than the Mac OS (I think that's what they call it) is your operating system.
POP3 -
POP3 (post office protocol, version 3) is a protocol for getting e-mail off of a web server. If you use Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger you're using POP3. Some web-based e-mail accounts use this protocol as well (in fact, I think you can set up Outlook Express to work with a hotmail account).
PDA - "Portable Document Format" A file format developed by Adobe Systems. PDF captures
formatting information from a variety of desktop publishing applications, making it possible to send formatted documents and have them appear on the recipient's monitor or printer as they were intended. To view a file in PDF format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free
application distributed by Adobe Systems.

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